About Us
The Newcastle Domestic Violence Committee was formed in response to a state-wide government initiative to create community forums with the specific aim to strengthen prevention and early intervention responses in combating domestic and family violence (DFV).
The Newcastle Domestic Violence Committee members are committed to providing a forum where government and non-government agencies, the corporate sector and the wider local community can unite and cooperate in providing support, community education and initiating community action around preventing DFV and supporting people who have experienced, or are experiencing DFV.
We are proud to bring together allies and agencies from a broad range of backgrounds, including multicultural, Aboriginal, Disabled and LGBTIQA+ professionals and community members.
The Newcastle Domestic Violence Committee aims to:
Share information on DFV best practice and issues.
Facilitate DFV sector and community capacity building.
Develop collaborative partnerships on DFV initiatives.
Advocate to Local Council, State and Federal Governments, the Media and broader community on DFV or VAW matters of common interest.
Establish a network of DFV practitioners across Newcastle.
Strengthen prevention and early intervention responses to end DFV.
Participate in key events such as, but not limited to: The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Reclaim the Night, International Women’s Day, Domestic Violence Prevention Month.
Respond to any other issues of relevance as determined by the DVC.
Newcastle Domestic Violence Committee
Central Coast DV Committee
Cessnock Domestic and Family Violence Network
Lake Macquarie DV Committee
Port Stephens DV Committee