Domestic and Family Violence Statistics

Current Data on DFV can be found at:

  • Coloured women cutouts, indicating 1 in 3.

    1 in 3

    Women in a relationship experienced coercive control behaviours from their partner in the pandemic (AIHW 2021.)

  • Pictogram indicating 1 in 4 women

    1 in 4

    Women have experienced sexual or physical violence from a man since the age of 15 (2)

  • Coloured cutouts showing 1 in 2

    1 in 2, or half

    Women have experienced sexual harassment since the age of 15 (2)

  • Coloured cutouts indiciating 1 in 3 women and 1 in 16 men

    1 in 4 women; 1 in 16 men

    Off the 2016 ABS personal safety measure, one in 4 women and 1 in 16 men experience intimate partner violence over a lifetime

  • 1 grey woman, then 29 purple women


    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are hospitalised 29x more than white women, with most perpetrators being non-Aboriginal. (3,4)

  • 1 grey woman, then 11 purple women


    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are 11x more likely to die from domestic violence than non-Aboriginal women.

  • A woman holding a cane

    Women and girls with disability

    Over a year, women with disability are twice as likely to experience violence than those without disability. Women with disability experience violence at significantly higher rates, more frequently, for longer, in more ways and by more perpetrators compared to women and girls without disability.

  • Two people with the same haircut hugging and forming a heart

    Same gender relationships

    Around 28% of male-identifying respondents and 41% of female-identifying respondents reported having been in a relationship where a partner was abusive. Males in same gender relationships are thus more at risk than straight men; with women experiencing simliar rates to straight couples

  • Multiple gender icon

    Trans and gender diverse people

    Trans and gender diverse people are at higher risk for almost all types of violence, including family, domestic and sexual violence in childhood and adulthood. Trans and gender diverse people experience higher rates of DV than cisgender women.


Estimates from Impact Australia.