The Hunter DFV Regional Network (representatives from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander DFV Committee, Cessnock DFV Network, Lake Macquarie DV Committee, Maitland Against Domestic Abuse, Newcastle DV Committee, and Port Stephens DV Committee) organise an annual forum during the 16 Days of Activism, for DFSV workers in the Hunter region, to build capacity, share practice, research, knowledge and insight.

The 2024 Forum was held 3 December at Kurri Kurri TAFE Campus.

130 DFSV workers from across the Hunter region attended the one day forum that featured Keynote speakers: Moo Baulch (Chair of Our Watch), and Danielle Thompson (DV NSW); two panels (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander DFV Committee, and Tech-Facilitated Abuse); the launch of the Hunter DFV Consortium Tech-Facilitated Abuse Resource for Hunter DFV Workers, and eight workshops.

Thank you to the NSW Government, HNECC PHN, and CEEHE for funding and sponsoring this year’s forum.

Thank you also to all of our amazing presenters, panelists and workshop facilitators, and to Kurri Kurri TAFE Campus for your generous help and support.

The forum was proudly funded by: NSW Government

The forum was sponsored by:
Hunter New England Central Coast Primary Health Network, and the Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education University of Newcastle.