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Hunter Community Alliance Foundations Training

Community Organising Foundations (2-day) training is based on the philosophy and practices developed by the Industrial Areas Foundation in over 70 years of successful organising. These ideas are translated to a local Australian context to cover the essentials of community organising and how we implement it here in the Hunter region. 

The training is interactive, thoughtful and made for people with all levels of experience. Concepts worked through include power, our roles in civil society as public people, negotiating social change, and what makes strong organisations. As practical as it is theoretical, we teach the tools to start building public relationships and work through the Organising Cycle to solve problems in our communities. 

A primary outcome and benefit of this training is in forming new public relationships with other diverse people who are active in the Hunter's community life.

Topics include:

  • Community Organising: the history and tradition of our civil society organisations

  • Relational Organising: individual relational meetings, listening assemblies, research, negotiation and action

  • Strengthening our Organisations: building a culture that is relational, action oriented and reflective/learning

  • Using Relational Power in the public sphere to take collaborative action on common issues.


22 June

Financial Empowerment Workshop

29 June

NAIDOC Week Opening and Fun Day – Raymond Terrace