ACON Hunter


129 Maitland Road, Islington 2296





Best contact

Email or phone


9-5 Monday, Wednesday & Friday. 9-6 Tuesdays & Thursdays.

What we do

LGBTQ+ Health and Wellbeing. We're here for Counselling, Care Coordination, Peer Support, NSP outreach, HIV prevention, HIV support and LGBTQ health, in the Hunter, New England, Central Coast, Western NSW regions.

What services we provide

Services/support for LGBTIQA+ (people of diverse sexualities and genders), Alcohol and other drugs Services/support, Case work, Counselling, Mental Health Services/support, Peer support, Sexual Health Clinic, NSP Outlet, Naloxone Distribution, Health Promotion

Referral pathways

Self referral, Referral from medical services, Referral from legal services, Referral from social and/or community services, Referral from NSW Govt Agencies ie Dept Communities and Justice, Dept Education, Community Mental Health, Referral from DCJ

Who can access our service?

People of diverse sexualities and genders (LGBTQ+ people) all services. Sexual health and NSP services also available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Sex Workers, and People Who Inject Drugs.

Inclusion and cultural safety for First Nations people

Identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander positions. Reconciliation Action Plan. Staff have completed cultural competency training. ACON partnerships with local Aboriginal organisations.

Inclusion and safety for people of diverse sexuality and gender

Identified LGBTQ+ peer positions. Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion & Health Equity Plan, All staff trained in LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion. gender neutral bathrooms

Inclusion and safety for people with disability

Interpreters available. First floor is wheelchair accessible. ACON has commenced a disability inclusion program.

Inclusion for multicultural people

Multicultural Engagement Plan being implemented. Multicultural staff employed. Access to interpreters.

  • Our service has an accessible bathroom

  • Our service has a gender neutral or all gender bathroom (can be accomplished with A4 signs)

  • You can bring a support worker to our service

  • , You can bring a support person of any gender to our service


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