Family Support Newcastle
2 High Street, Waratah NSW 2298
9am to 4pm Mon to Friday
Who we are
We offer a number of support services to children and their families. We can support families who may be in the following situations; Women leaving violence (SHLV project); Parents who have DCJ involved with their family (IFP project); Parents experiencing difficulties (Family Support Project); Supported playtime activities to assist your child’s socialisation (Playgroup); Father's and other men who have a fathering role (Men's Project) and Separated Dads (Men's Project). All these services cover different locations some are only Newcastle LGA and others cover more areas.
What we provide
Services/support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island clients and communities, Services/ support for Culturally And Linguistically Diverse, Multicultural clients and communities, Services/support for people with Disability, Services/support for LGBTIQA+ (people of diverse sexualities and genders), Services/support for Refugee and/or Migrant clients and communities, Advocacy, Case work, Court support, Counselling, Domestic and/or family violence Services/support, Family Services/support, Parenting Programs
Referral pathways
Self referral, Referral from medical services, Referral from legal services, Referral from social and/or community services, Referral from NSW Govt Agencies ie Dept Communities and Justice, Dept Education, Community Mental Health, Referral from DCJ
Who can access our service?
SHLV Project - women (inclusive of trans women) who may or may not have children
Family Support Project - all parents and carers of who have children aged 0-12 in their care
Playgroup - supported play activities for children aged 0-6 every Thursday during school terms
Men's Project - men (inclusive of trans men) with a fathering role of children 0-18 years
IFP Project - referrals from DCJ only
Inclusion and cultural safety for First Nations people
we have a First Nations Cultural Liaison Worker which is an identified position, we have policies and practices in place which demonstrates our commitment to to First Nations people, we have Aboriginal staff in non-identified positions employed in the organisation. We participate in cultural safety and sensitivity training. We are a member of Walk a Mile Koori Style Committee and participate in local First Nations events in Newcastle LGA.
Inclusion and safety for people of diverse sexualities and genders
We aim to be inclusive of all clients of diverse sexualities and genders. We have gender neutral bathrooms. We have participated in ACON training. We are a member of the Regional DFV LGBTIQA+/DSG DV committee.
Inclusion and safety for people with disability
We aim to be inclusive of all clients with a disability. Our family centre is accessible.
Inclusion and safety for multicultural clients
We have access to interpreters if needed, we are members of Multicultural committees such as the Multicultural/CALD DFV committee and participate in cultural events in the Newcastle LGA, we have staff in non-identified positions who are from other cultures. Some of us have participated in STARTTS cultural safety and inclusion training. We have partnered with local multicultural services to deliver programs to the community.
Our service is mobility-accessible
Our service has an accessible bathroom
Our service has a gender neutral or all gender bathroom
You can bring a support worker to our service
You can bring a support person of any gender to our service