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Ending First Nations Homelessness

This event held in partnership with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association and Aboriginal Housing Victoria will be hosted in Parliament House Canberra with the Parliamentary Friends of Housing and Homelessness.

You can join online to hear presentations and discussion including:

  • The Hon Julie Collins MP, Minister for Homelessness

  • June Oscar AO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner of the Australian Human Rights Commission

  • Ivan Simon, CEO, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association

  • Darren Smith, CEO, Aboriginal Housing Victoria

  • Tina Ugle, Managing Director, Noongar Mia Mia and Leonie Pickett, Noongar Mia Mia

The event will be co-facilitated by Kate Colvin, CEO Homelessness Australia and Ivan Simon, CEO NATSIHA and include a welcome from Josh Burns, MP.


7 August

“Ending Homelessness Together – A Systems Change Approach" *Homelessness Week Livestream Event*

8 August

'Waithood - The Experience of Waiting for Social Housing' Online Launch Event